Jó Napot Kivannok!
Transfer number two is going great!! I'm loving it in Sopron! The city is so beautiful and I'm hoping to get the chance to take a lot of pictures of it soon! My companion is awesome! We get along swell. I've forgotten how much I love living around a European. He's already been able to help me loads with the language so far! So things are slammin'!
I was able to say goodbye to some of the people in the branch before leaving Szombathely. There was an old néni named Anna who was upset about me having to leave. She just kept saying, "You just barely got here!! You can't leave!" It was so cute. I have a picture with her and she was sad. The nice part is this Sunday the Sopron and Szombathely branches will have a combined meeting. So I will get the chance to see everyone there again!
Oh! In other news, while in Budapest this week, I received permission from the president to buy a Ukelele... So about 20 minutes later I had one in my hands! It's been a blast to jam on during meals and after, and when we come home in the evenings. And Elder Ábrók has much enjoyed being able to play the one song he knows on it. We're having a good time with it.
There is a senior couple here with us (The Flammers). They are sooo cool and nice! It's been nice to have them around. They help us out a lot! AND they have a car! So that's even better!
It's been a big change from the Szombathely branch. On Sunday's there, all I had to do was show up. But yesterday, in Sopron, I had to: Prepare the sacrament, pass the sacrament, be the chorister, say the opening prayer, and give the first talk. Yea. It was crazy. It's a good branch though. They are all really, really nice.
One thing about Elder Ábrók that would be interesting to mention is that he is known throughout the mission for being the one and only missionary who doesn't do any tracting, sreeting, or tabling. He works only out of the area book and with referrals. (Because he's perfect in the language) so that's also been a change. (A nice one.) 'Finding' is how I spent most of my time last transfer... but now we have more lessons in one day than I would sometimes have in a week! Craziness!
I did have a cool experience this week: We have a member here who worked on Sundays so he never came to church. We taught him this week about keeping the Sabbath Day holy. I shared a story about how I used to have to work on Sundays at Wendy's, but I didn't want to, so I asked if I could stop working on Sundays. They said no, so I quit. BUT I was able to find a better job doing something I love. SO, the next day this member asked his boss if he could have Sundays off, the boss said absolutely, and he was at church yesterday!! Great things are happening.
That's about it for me!
Read the Book of Mormon. It'll change your life. Seriously. You'd be doing yourself a HUGE favor.
Alldredge Elder