Monday, July 8, 2013

Week 59 (July 1-8, 2013)

Ma, vágni fogom a hajomat.
Last P-day, Elder Nabrotzky and I went on a little adventure with some of the youth from the branch. We went to Lillafüred which is pretty much a little lake nestled in some foresty mountains. It was beautiful and we had a blast with all of them.

I totally spaced the 4th of July. It wasn't until the 5th that I realized that's what all of America was doing. I didn't even wear a red, white, and blue tie. I fail as an American. Maybe I'm just catching the Canadian fever. What I realized is that it's the first big holiday that is my last time to miss on my mission... if that makes any sense.

Miskolc had a HUGE party in celebration of getting a new tram. The main street was flooded with people on Friday night. I was bummed we had to stay in our apartment and we wouldn't be able to see the new tram. BUT as luck would have it, the new tram came rolling through right in front of our window and stopped there for the huge party! There was a band playing and it was quite the ruckus.

Here's a story about someone who made my week:
While we were walking in the neighborhood we usually tract in, a little girl (probably about 7-8 years old) in the distance started sprinting toward us. I looked around and behind me to see what she was running so quickly towards. As she got closer, I realized she was headed straight for me. We slowed down our pace and when she got finally got to me she latched onto me and gave me a big hug around my waist. I was shocked because I had no idea who this little girl was, let alone why she was hugging me. We usually shake-hands and say hello to all the little kids as they are running around and playing outside, so that's probably where she had seen me before. I just kind of stopped there for a second not knowing what to do with this little thing squeezing me. After a moment, she looked up at me and said, "te vagy a legszebb!!!!" Which translates to, "you are the prettiest!!" Then she let go and ran away. Strange, but adorable!

This week was a little different than most. It's interesting how God works. He gives us what we ask for, and it's not until after some sort of trial that we realize we received what we asked for--and then some. Just for example, I really wanted to improve my quality of prayer this transfer. There's no way such a thing could've have taken place without something happening that would have caused me to rely on/turn to prayer. Don't any of you worry, nothing crazy happened. Everything is great, if not better. I was just in a pickle because a lot of people that I really love and care about were going through a hard time and I didn't/couldn't/failed to help them. I really like to do things myself and take care of everything and everyone all by myself. It wasn't until I couldn't do such a thing that I had nowhere else to go but to God. Which is lame because I've just been too stubborn to ask for his perfect help. Needless to say, I got what I wanted. It's interesting that in The Book of Mormon it describes praying to God as "crying unto God" more than anything else. I never fully understood what that meant. Now I do.

You learn a lot on a mission. You learn about the Gospel, the God Head, Christ and His Atonement. You learn how to study, plan, clean, communicate, pray, and trust. (I'm still trying to work on the cooking one...) I've learned a lot so far. I've also changed a lot. I learned this week that I still have a lot I can change and the best part is: I'm not going to do it alone.

In my own strength, I am weak. With God, I can do anything.

I love you all and I hope all is well with you!

I don't have anything clever for encouragement in reading The Book of Mormon. I just sincerely hope that you are reading from it. That's all.
Sok Szeretettel,
Alldredge Elder

Lillafüred Adventures

so cute

Lillafüred's lake

The tram party right outside of our window