Na, akkor itt fogok maradni! Tök jó!!
So we received our transfer calls this morning and I will be staying in Miskolc once again and for the first time ever, I will be with the same companion for 2 transfers! This transfer will only be 5 weeks long, then the next will be 10!! It's going to be interesting. I'm excited about the news!
I had another run in with some bees. I got into our car yesterday and a little bee friend decided to come in with me. I've never gotten out of a car so fast. Then all of the sudden, there were giant bees flying all around the car going in and out as well as staying inside. I stayed about 20 feet away as poor Elder Nabrotzky tried to get them all out. Then the investigators we had just met with came out of their house because they saw that there was a problem with us. So they also came to the rescue and just started grabbing all the bees and throwing them out of the car. I couldn't bring myself to get into the car and drive away until we were away from the area with all the bees. (Super embarrassing.) So Elder Nabrotzky drove good ol' Evelin down the hill a bit until we were in a safe zone. It was nuts!
So we now have aNOTHER new family who are getting ready to be baptized. This family is the really humble and polite family that I was talking about last week. The mom had sewn covers for their copies of The Book of Mormon. So adorable. We met with them for the second time this past week, and we taught them about the Restoration. They ate it up!! As soon as we told them about the First Vision they all said, "WOW! What is this feeling I have in my heart!? This is so strange!! What does this mean??" So after explaining how the Spirit works they were all really excited and eager to learn more. They all came to church on Sunday and loved it. Afterwards, the son came up to me and asked, "when can I get baptized!?" So yesterday, we met with them and set up a baptismal date for the mother and her son. They are so extremely excited and they are going to be incredible members.
Oh and the update on the other OTHER family is still superb. They are loving it and we're really enjoying the chance to meet with them often.
"Take no thought of what ye shall eat" --It really works! Yesterday, after our apartment checks finally finished, we had to leave right then to make it on time to our first program of the day. We knew we were going to be gone until 9:00 and we hadn't eaten any lunch yet. This little quote from The Book of Mormon came to mind and we left, not knowing what was going to happen. Sure enough, the first program we went to (we weren't planning on being fed) said, "hey! What did you guys eat for lunch??" we replied with, "well... we actually weren't able to eat lunch yet." I swear, within seconds they had sat us down in front of more food than we could handle eating and they even packed up the left-overs and sent them with us. How awesome is that?
We have a man who is going to be baptized here within the next few weeks. He is such a rad guy. I've been meeting with him ever since my second week in Miskolc. He's a brilliant guy and we found out this week that he's actually a famous writer! He used to write books and he was a famous journalist. It was wild. We took a member with us to his program yesterday. This man turned to the member we brought and said, "can you believe that these two, young, servants of God were able to help me to stop smoking and drinking coffee in under a week? I've been smoking for 40 years. I would've never believed that such a thing was possible a few years ago. I love my new, healthy life!" (We gave him a priesthood blessing to help him stop smoking and drinking coffee so it was really nothing WE did.) We then followed up with his prayers on the truth of The Book of Mormon. He replied with, "well... Honestly, I don't believe The Book of Mormon is true...." (my heart sank) then he continued, "I KNOW it's true. As I read from it, I sometimes can't help but cry because of how true and beautiful it is." Yea, he's awesome.
Well, as you can see--or read, everything is going just grand over here in Miskolc. I'm really excited that I get to stay another 5 weeks in this wonderful city.
I left my cursed notebook in our apartment... I'm pretty sure those are all the points I wanted to cover today. If not, I'll fill you all in next week. All-in-all, everything is just grand over here! I'm loving every second of every day I get to be here.
Don't you dare ever tell me that you "don't have enough time" to read from The Book of Mormon.
If it's important to you, you'll find a way--if it's not, you'll find an excuse.
There. Are. No. Excuses. For. Not. Reading. From. It.
Sok Szeretettel,
Alldredge Elder
I love this man!! |
One of the families we meet with every week. They are a hoot! |